Oct 14, 2010

Steele fund raising letter full of lies and discrimination

We already know teabgger Republican Rob Steele – the next victim of the Dean of the U.S. House, U.S. Rep. John Dingell, D - is an outrageous liar, but now we know he apparently hates senior citizens.

A friend of mine from Monroe, my hometown, gave me a copy of Steele’s Oct. 4 fundraising letter, and in it, Steele continues to go after Dingell because of his age, saying “the 84-year-old incumbent has been a Washington insider for 55 years…Longer than I’ve been alive,” Steele wrote.

When you combine that with the fact that Steele wants to kill Social Security, it’s clear he hates senior citizens.

Then the dishonest Steele doubles down on the lies when he falsely claims Dingell will not debate him.

“True to form, incumbent Dingell says he’s too busy to debate me (sic) but I’m thinking that someone like you, who is fed up with the Dingell-Pelosi Status Que (sic), might not be too busy to make a difference in this all important race,” Steel wrote.

That’s an outrageous lie. Perhaps Steele forgot about the debate set for 6:30 p.m. October 20 at the La-Z-Boy Center Meyer Theater on the campus of Monroe County Community College. Steele accepted the offer the very day he sent this letter out, so he knew he was lying.

In fact Dingell sent a letter to Steele right after he won the August primary election congratulating him and asking for debates, but all Steele did was lie and cry that Dingell was avoiding him. After a month of blustering from Steele, Dingell finally sent a letter on Sept. 14 asking that Steele commit to as many debates as possible, and Dingell says he looks forward to appearing at voters forums put on by various groups like the AARP and others. Dingell accepted the invitation from Monroe Community College to debate weeks before Steele finally accepted.

Steele continues to falsely claim that Dingell is out of touch and is not accessible. Steele is actually describing himself, and it simply does not apply to Dingell. I don’t think you will find a more accessible Congressman.

The fact is, and anyone living in the15th District knows this, Dingell is home every weekend as well as whenever Congress is out. In fact, it has been Steele and his teabagger supporters that have gone out their way to restrict the voter’s access to Dingell, and they have done it by staging protests, rude badgering and total disruptions at any public event they know he will be at.

I personally got a taste of Steele trying to provoke a confrontation.

Steele and his hard core teabagger supporters have make it impossible for people to have the traditional townhall meetings Dingell is famous for. The most recent examples were in Flat Rock and at Pte. Mouillee. Who can forget the townhall meeting in Romulus back in August of 2009 that teabggers disrupted, yet Dingell held a second one to accommodate all the people waiting outside who could not get in, despite the abuse he was taking.

In a letter filled with so many lies, it’s hard to single them all out, but this one caught my eye, “…a mere 37 percent of Congressman Dingell’s constituents believe he deserves re-election,” he wrote.

Like all of the other Steele lies, he pulled that one out of his ass because the best independent poll gives Dingell a double digit 19 point lead at a 49-30 percent.

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