Democrats in the 8th Congressional District were disappointed, and some angry, when Democratic Kande Ngalamulume suddenly announced earlier this month he was dropping out of the race past the withdraw deadline, but a write in candidate has emerged.
Clinton County Democrat Lance Enderle announced he plans to run for the seat as a write in. According to subscription only MIRS, there is a possibility Enderle’s name could actually appear on the November ballot instead of Ngalamulume’s. Enderle would need more votes than Ngalamulume in the Aug. 3 primary to replace him on the Nov. 2 ballot. But there is also another way.
If Ngalamulume moves out of state, or dies, a provision in state law is triggered that would allow the chairs, secretaries and treasurers of all give five counties within the 8th District to convene a special 15-person panel to name a replacement nominee after the Aug. 3 primary, according to MIRS.
Ngalamulume is reportedly in Philadelphia or Chicago looking for work. If he registers to vote in one of those states, the panel will be triggered. MIRS said Ngalamulume “told a local supporter this week that once he finds a job out of state, he would register to vote at that location.”
“However, Ngalamulume also told 8th Congressional District Democrats in an e-mail a couple weeks ago that he would not change his voter registration information, meaning a write-in candidate would need to defeat him during the Aug. 3 primary in order for his name not to appear on the Nov. 2 ballot.”
Political consultant Joe DiSano on his pod cast, “Two Guys Named Joe,” said Bob Alexander, who ran twice against incumbent Republican Mike Rogers, is helping Ngalamulume pay off his estimated $5,000 debt.
Ngalamulume’s withdraw this late in the game angered many people, and DiSano was one of the most vocal.
“What he is doing is reprehensible and shameful,” he said.
MIRS said “Alexander said Ngalamulume told him in an e-mail four days ago that he would change his voter registration information once he found a new job, which would open up the chance for the Democrats to pick someone new.
The 8th Congressional District Democratic Committee is meeting tomorrow in Bath, and this will most likely be a topic of discussion.
Enderle is a progressive Democrat, and he says he believes in small business, agriculture, tax equality and individual Freedom. He said he believes money has nearly destroyed the political process, and he has pledged he will not take any PAC or any special interest money.
Who is Bob Alexander? Is he a Repblican? Is this another ghost democratic candidate put up by Repubs just to beat out Democrats from having a real candidate as was done in SC and a few other places?
Why is the failed candidate helping the fakester pay off his debt? If Bob ran as a dem, was he a fake candidate, just a place holder? Why isn't he helping Lance instead?
This information should be out.
Bob Alexander is a community activist from East Lansing, and he has been the Democratic candidate for the 8th District twice. Why is Bob helping clear up the debt? Because he cares about the 8th District, and the good reputation of Democrats.
There is no “fakester.” I’m not happy with Kande's actions, and I think he screwed us big time. I guess he thought people were going to just throw money at him if he got in the race.
I’m sure Bob is helping the current candidate in some way. The info is out.
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