Jan 28, 2007

LivCo GOP Chair pushed false talking point

The Ann Arbor News, one of the many news outlets present at a fundraiser held on Jan. 20 for the Livingston County Democratic Party featuring Sen. Carl Levin, focused more on the new chair of the county party, Matt Evans.

Evans took over from long-tine chair Joe Carney on Jan. 1, and he had already been aggressively seeking quality candidates and raising money for future races.

Matt Evans, the new chairman of the Democratic Party in Livingston County, has lofty goals for his party in a county historically dominated by Republicans: "We're planning to elect candidates with the ultimate goal of getting a (Democrat) state senator or representative,'' said Evans.

The real telling thing is the response from new Livingston County Republican Chair Allan Filip, who was elected around the same time as Evans. Frankly, I don’t know why he was even asked to respond, but that’s another story. Apparently, being informed is not one of the prerequisites for being chair of the county GOP. Here’s Filip’s informed response:

Livingston County GOP Chairman Allan Filip, reached after Levin's talk for his reaction, said he found it strange that Levin was so critical of Bush's handling of the war. "Didn't (Levin) vote for the war? Yes, he did, so I guess it's a referendum on folks like (Levin) as well,'' Filip said.

Hey Al, no he didn’t. Sen. Levin was one of 23 Senators and 133 Representative voting against the so-called Iraq Resolution authorizing force to enforce the UN Resolutions. I also have to wonder why the reporter didn’t point out that simple fact. Even if Levin had voted for the resolution, does that mean he cannot support policy change after the facts and events show everyday that Bush’s Iraq policies are failing?

Is that the Republican model” You follow a policy no mater if it continues to fail and is simply not working? The fact is the people who voted for the resolution made the mistake of believing in and trusting the President. I don’t think that will happen again.

Filip said Evan's comments didn't bother him. "I guess they could criticize - that's their option as the (minority party) - but we're going to go about the business of governing and doing what's right,''

What about the Republican senators who voted for the resolution that are not backing off of support for bush’s policy for the occupation, such as Sens. Chuck Hagel, Olympia Snow, Susan Collins or John Warner?

As he has shown, he’s not going to let a few facts get in the way of a good talking point.

1 comment:

bluzie said...

It's hard to believe Alan Filip lives in Michigan, is chair of the Livingston County Republican party and does not know that both of Michigan US Senators voted against giving Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq. Senator Levin and Senator Stabenow did not think their was enough evidence that Iraq posed a threat to our country to send our soldiers in harms way.

Are all Republican's in Livingston County so ill informed? Do they take a vow never to watch any news but Fox or listen to anyone but Rush? Must be the only way to keep it's members, keep them ignorant and they will follow Bush into bankrupting our country and wreaking havoc around the world.
This brings me to all the fuss about banning books, picketing lingerie stores, it's all just a ploy to keep people from seeing what their party has done in the name of freedom. The death and dismeberment is stunning.