Nov 24, 2010

Livingston Democrats choose new leader

The Livingston County Democratic Party has a new leader after the Executive Committee chose Hartland resident and University of Michigan grad Jordan Genson to succeed Judy Daubenmier at the county convention on Nov. 18.

The committee also chose Genoa Township resident Kelly Raskauskas as vice chair, and rounding out the officers are Annette Koeble as treasurer; Mary Evergreen, secretary; and Judy Volk, vice president for membership.

Judy has done an excellent job in the more than two years she has served as chair. She has planned some unique and inexpensive fundraisers to energize the surprising number of Democrats in the county – like the movie nights and ice cream socials, and she has honored the party’s core values with community events like blood drives, supporting area food banks, helping children and honoring veterans.

She also helped recruit a near record number of quality candidates for political office, and she served as a successful watchdog on the all-Republican County Board of Commissioners.

I don’t know a lot about Jordan Genson, but I’ll venture a guess that he is one of the youngest chairs the party has had in some time. I sat next to him on the floor at the Michigan Democratic Party Endorsement Convention in April, and I am looking forward to the energy he will bring to the job.

Kelly Raskauskas was an energetic county commissioner candidate this election cycle, and I see her at every party function I have been able to attend. She brings lots of energy and knowledge to the position, and she has done some excellent research on the mistakes and gaffes of the board of commissioners. She also has one of the most impressive resumes I have ever seen.

Raskauskas holds a Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a BA cum laude in International Relations from the School of International Service at American University. Raskauskas serves as the President of the Friends of the Brighton District Library, a non-profit group that supports programming, special events and equipment for the BDL throughout the year. She is also a volunteer at the Greenhills School in Ann Arbor.

County Democrats will get a chance to meet the new officers, as well as enjoy one of the great events I talked about, with the best food ever, put on by the party with the annual a holiday potluck set for 6:30 p.m. Dec. 10 at party headquarters, 10321 Grand River Road, Suite 600, in Green Oak Township. All you need to do is to bring a dish to share and a donation for Gleaners Food Bank of either cash or food. I can personally attest to the fact that the food is phenomenal.

In addition to the potluck dinner, the party is also looking to help those in need in the community this holiday season. The party is looking for volunteers to help shop for winter clothing for needy children through the Warm the Children program sponsored by The program finds the needy children and provides enough funds to purchase $90 in winter clothing for each child. We provide the volunteers willing to help the families shop for the clothing at Target. If you would like to help, please contact Pam Green, coordinator the county’s Blue Tiger programs, at

The party is also participating in the Salvation Army's Adopt-a-Family program. We will be buying gifts for a needy family selected by the Salvation Army. If you would like to make a donation to the program, you may mail a check, made out to "Cash," to party headquarters. Contact Pam Green for more information, as well as to volunteer to help with the shopping.


Not Anonymous said...

I just looked at the Livingston County election results. I can't find one listed Democrat, socialist or otherwise, that won a race in Livingston County.

So may your new group have the same success (or lack of) as the last group.

The Republican gains in the US House are now up to 63 seats. Still a couple more to be decided.

Communications guru said...

I don’t know why I bother, but first of all, anonymous coward, you will not find a socialist Democrat because there is no such thing as a Socialist Democrat in the United States, and that is just a false, Republican smear. Second, what exactly is your point?

Once again, anonymous wimp, I am still waiting for you to back up your outrageous lie that we were “nearly shoulder to shoulder once.”

Motor City Liberal Returns said...

Father of the world greatest burger flipper you do realize you Repugs have to govern now? For eight years the Michigan Repugs have been bitching and moaning about Gov.Granholm and the Democrats now you have Gov. Made in China and both houses in the hands of the corp... I mean Republicans what excuse will you have when(not if) they fail?

Shooting spitballs at the dems and making vague campaign promises will end in January and pen has to come to paper. And once Gov.Made in China shows off his first budget you can start the clock on the Republican majority.

I'm predicting Snyder is going to try to balance the budget on the backs of the people while not asking the elite living in the state to make the same sacrifice.

Enjoy your "victory" Father of the greatest burger flipper because I'm guessing when President Obama gets re-elected in 2012 between 25-30 house Republicans that got elected in 2010 will be going home.