Jul 30, 2009

Anti-Obama “Tea Party” bus tour comes to Brighton

Enough is enough all right, but enough with the fake anti-Democratic and Anti-Obama partisan and misnamed “tea parties”

The Livingston County Republican Party, along with Faux “News” lunatic Glenn Back, is heavily promoting something called the “Tea Party Express” bus tour that will be in Brighton on Sept 8 on its way to Washington, D.C.

This latest farce is sponsored by the “Our Country Deserves Better PAC (OCDB),” and it is billing the latest manifestation of the worn out and misnamed “tea party” theme as a non-partisan protest, claming, “At each stop the tour will highlight some of the worst offenders in Congress who have voted for higher spending, higher taxes, and government intervention in the lives of American families and businesses.” However, this attack will only target Democrats and President Obama.

The PAC was formed in August 2008 by veteran Republican California political consultant Sal Russo and former GOP California Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian. The PAC’s mission is to oppose Obama and the "Democratic Congress." It boasts on its web site that "we must stand up to Barack Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress." The PAC also solicits contributions by stating, "Help us fight the Democratic Congress!"

In 2008, OCDB's sole objective was Obama's defeat. NRR reported on September 26, 2008, that OCDB's website then said "it has one objective: to defeat Obama." It also has ties to the propaganda DVD stuffed in newspapers before the election called “Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West” when it was trying to smear Obama as a secret Muslim terrorist.

The thing that is for certain is we will see plenty of “birthers,” white Supremacists, militia members and secessionists mixed in with the GOP faithful on the Millpond.

1 comment:

bluzie said...

Looks like the Republicans are reaching out to the KKK.

Very weird party building strategy!