One of the main reason Republicans were turned out of power in 2006 and lost control of both the U.S. House and Senate was because of their culture of corruption. Republicans vowed that would end after the scandal-filled 2006 that saw scandals like Mark Foley, Jack Abramoff, Bob Ney and Jack Abramoff just to name a few. That has not happened, and even though 2007 is not even over yet, we have seen plenty of GOP scandals in 2007. This list, although not complete, was first compiled - for the most part - by a fellow blogging guru, Senate 2008 Guru. Here is the list so far:
January 23, 2007: Republican radio personality Scott Eller Cortelyou of Denver arrested on suspicion of using the Internet to lure a child into a sexual relationship.
January 29, 2007: Republican former Jefferson County, Colorado, Treasurer Mark Paschall indicted on two felony charges "in connection with an allegation that Paschall solicited a kickback from a bonus he awarded one of his employees."
January 31, 2007: Republican Congressman Gary Miller is named by Republicans as ranking member of oversight subcommittee of House Financial Services Committee despite the FBI's investigation into his land deals.
February 14, 2007: Major Republican fundraiser Brent Wilkes and former CIA executive director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo are indicted by a grand jury for corrupting CIA contracts,
February 16, 2007: Major Republican donor Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari, aka Michael Mixon, is indicted in federal court on charges of providing material support to terrorists. He was a donor to the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), and among the Republicans accepting the tainted money were U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton.
March 5, 2007: Ethics complaint filed against Republican Senator Pete Domenici for his role in the Attorney Purge scandal.
March 6, 2007: I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney found guilty of obstruction of justice and perjury.
March 8, 2007: Republican former U.S. Congressman and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich admits to extramarital affairs.
March 23, 2007: Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles, an oil and gas lobbyist who became an architect of George W. Bush's energy policies, pleads guilty to obstructing justice by lying to a Senate committee.
March 27, 2007: Criminal charges filed against Republican Pennsylvania State Senator Robert Regola in connection with the death of a teenage neighbor who was shot with the senator's gun; he is accused of three counts of perjury, allowing possession of a firearm by a minor, recklessly endangering another person and false swearing.
March 27, 2007: Ronald Reagan's budget director, David Stockman, "indicted on charges of defrauding investors and banks of $1.6 billion while chairman of Collins & Aikman Corp., an auto parts maker that collapsed days after he quit."
March 28, 2007: Robert Vellanoweth, a Republican activist and appointee of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is arrested on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter and felony driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, after a crash that killed three adults and one child.
March 29, 2007: Rep. John Garfield, R- Rochester Hills, was arrested in the East Lansing area by Michigan State University campus police on suspicion of drunk driving. Despite registering a .14 – almost twice the legal limit of blood-alcohol limit – the charges were later dismissed because the police improperly pulled him over, and he avoided his second drunk driving conviction.
April 18, 2007: The FBI raids the home of Republican Congressman John Doolittle, investigating his ties to Jack Abramoff.
April 19, 2007: The FBI raids a business tied to the family of Republican Congressman Rick Renzi, as part of an investigation into his business dealings.
April 23, 2007: The FBI questions Republican Congressman Tom Feeney about his dealings with Jack Abramoff.
April 23, 2007: Federal auditors find repeat violations of federal election law from the 2004 Senate campaign of Republican Senator Mel Martinez.
April 24, 2007: Charles "Tony" Baltimore, a senior staff member in Congressman Mike Rogers' Lansing office, was arrested on domestic assault charges. Baltimore was arrested at a downtown Lansing club after what police described as an "altercation with a female companion.”
April 26, 2007: David Huckabee, son of Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, is arrested at an Arkansas airport after a federal X-ray technician detected a loaded gun in his carry-on luggage.
May 4, 2007: Bruce Weyhrauch and Pete Kott, former Alaska state Republican legislators, were arrested and accused of soliciting and accepting bribes from the corrupt VECO Corporation.
May 4, 2007: Republican state Assemblyman Michael Cole is censured and stripped of his leadership position after the married father of two spent the night at a 21-year-old intern's apartment.
May 11, 2007: A field coordinator for Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry is indicted for voter fraud in North Carolina.
May 12, 2007: NBC News breaks the story that the FBI is investigating Republican Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons for suspicion of accepting bribes in exchange for securing government contracts.
May 15, 2007: Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Chris Healy is arrested for drunk driving (he pled no contest on June 1, but didn't publicly disclose the event until June 11).
May 18, 2007: Republican former South Dakota State Representative Ted Klaudt is charged with eight counts of second-degree rape, two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, one count of sexual contact with a child younger than 16, two counts of witness tampering and one count of stalking against two foster children in his care.
May 21, 2007: Republican state Senate candidate Mark Tate is indicted on nine counts of perjury and two counts of election fraud by a grand jury.
June 11, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig is arrested for lewd conduct in the men's bathroom of an airport.
June 19, 2007: South Carolina Republican state Treasurer and South Carolina Chairman of Giuliani for President Thomas Ravenel is indicted by a grand jury on cocaine distribution charges.
July 2, 2007: President George W. Bush commutes the sentence of former Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby following Libby's conviction on obstruction of justice and perjury.
July 3, 2007: A grand jury report declares that the sale of public land to Republican Congressman Ken Calvert and his business partners violated the law.
July 11, 2007: Republican state Representative and Florida co-Chairman of McCain for President Bob Allen is arrested for soliciting a male undercover police officer, offering to pay $20 to perform oral sex.
July 16, 2007: Republican Senator David Vitter holds press conference acknowledging being on the D.C. Madam's list and past involvement with prostitutes.
July 16, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski was involved in a sweetheart real estate deal.
July 19: Republican former state legislator Coy Privette is charged with six counts of aiding and abetting prostitution
July 24, 2007: Michael Flory, a 32, the former head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans pled guilty in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court in Ohio that he sexually abused a colleague during Young Republicans convention in the summer of 2006. The teary-eyed college student he overpowered in a downtown hotel room gasped and dabbed her eyes as Flory replied to Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Peter Corrigan's question, "Are you indeed guilty?"
"Sure - yeah," Flory said.
The victim, who is 22, declined to speak after Flory's guilty plea.
She and some supporters lamented when the incident became public last winter that Flory and his followers within the Republican organization had been smearing her reputation in retaliation for accusing Flory of rape.
"People were using every opportunity to try to trash her, on Web sites or whatever," the prosecutor said. "He's been running around telling everybody what a piece of trash she is, so she was very happy to see him plead guilty."
Flory gained some notoriety at age 18 when he gave a televised speech to the Republican National Convention in the Houston Astrodome in 1992. The Michigan Young Republicans' Web site once hailed him as "one of the rising stars of GOP politics in America" and declared that "Mike has earned a great name for himself."
July 26, 2007: Media report that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski will sell back land purchased in a sweetheart deal, following close scrutiny of the shady transaction.
July 29, 2007: Glenn Murphy Jr., recently-elected Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, is accused of sexually assaulting a sleeping man.
July 30, 2007: The FBI and IRS raid the home of Republican Senator Ted Stevens following investigations into Stevens' dealings with the corrupt VECO Corporation.
August 2, 2007: Bush administration senior adviser Karl Rove disregards a Congressional subpoena and refuses to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
August 6, 2007: Investigation called for after House Republican Leader John Boehner leaked classified information regarding a secret court ruling over warrantless wiretapping.
August 8, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig pleads guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct following his June 11 arrest.
August 9, 2007: Major Republican donor Alan Fabian is charged with 23 counts of bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and perjury.
August 15, 2007: Republican state House candidate Angelo Cappelli is arrested for perjury and grand theft.
August 22, 2007: Republican political consultant Roger Stone resigns his role with the New York state Senate Republicans after reports surfaced that he made a "threatening, obscenity-laced" phone call to the 83-year-old father of Governor Eliot Spitzer.
August 27, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Larry Craig was arrested and pled guilty - he had not publicly disclosed the events to that point.
This is not to say Democrats have not had a few scandals of their own in 2007, and one is too many. However, Democrats do not hold a candle to the Republican culture of corruption.
People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Perhaps Hillary or Howie “The Duck” Dean know were my Hue is. Most likely in some DemoRat half way house.
"Mr. Hsu is not here and we do not know where Mr. Hsu is," Brosnahan said outside court. Brosnahan said that "there was some contact" with Hsu a few hours before the scheduled 9 a.m. court appearance, but he declined to say how and who talked to Hsu.
Hsu pleaded no contest in 1991 to a felony count of grand theft, admitting he'd defrauded investors of $1 million after falsely claiming to have contracts to purchase and sell Latex gloves. He was facing up to three years in prison when he skipped town before his 1992 sentencing date.
Prosecutors said they suspected Hsu fled the country then. But a few years ago, Hsu re-emerged in New York as an apparel executive and a wealthy benefactor of Democratic causes and candidates. Among them was Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose presidential campaign designated Hsu a "HillRaiser" - a title given to top donors. Presidential contender Barack Obama also received contributions from Hsu for his 2004 Senate campaign and his political action committee, Hopefund.
Federal Election Commission records show Hsu donated $260,000 to Democratic Party groups and federal candidates since 2004. Though a top fundraiser for Clinton, he also donated to Obama's Senate campaign in 2004 and to Obama's political action committee.
After reports surfaced this week of his fugitive status, politicians at all levels scrambled to distance themselves.
Obama's campaign said Thursday it would give to charity the $2,000 Hsu contributed to his 2004 Senate campaign and the $5,000 Hsu gave to his political action committee, Hopefund.
Hsu's $43,700 in donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $2,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also will go to charity, both groups announced.
Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that Mr. Hsu's campaign contributions tracked closely with donations made by the residents of a modest house in Daly City, Calif. Since 2004, six members of the Paw family have donated $290,000 to Democratic candidates, according to campaign-finance records. That makes the family one of the top sources of campaign cash in the country, even though they show no public sign of the wealth usually associated with such heavy political giving.
Clinton joined the other candidates in returning $23,000 in contributions that Hsu made to her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac. But his close association with her campaign put Clinton on the defensive just as it prepared to ramp up for the intense post-Labor Day stretch.
California Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer also announced they would get rid of donations from Hsu, along with two of the state's Democratic House members, Mike Honda of San Jose and Doris Matsui of Sacramento. Among other California politicians who benefited from Hsu's fundraising were San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Republicans Will Hold Democrats Accountable for Stolen Illegal Immigration Vote
by Rep. John Boehner (more by this author)
Posted 09/05/2007 ET
As Congress returns this week, Republicans are ready to pick up where we left off when August recess began last month. From fighting for lower taxes to insisting on more restrained federal spending to giving our troops the support they need to wage and win the War on Terrorism, we’re ready to continue working on the most important priorities facing the American people. At the same time, we also return to Washington with some unfinished business leftover from before the August recess: continuing to hold congressional Democrats accountable for the most egregious action of their short-lived majority -- or any House majority for that matter…a stolen vote on the floor of the House of Representatives.
For years, congressional Democrats have thrown up obstacle after obstacle to combating illegal immigration. This year alone, they’ve cut funding for the border fence we approved in the last Congress and slowed its construction dramatically. And they’ve passed a costly bill that would force American taxpayers to foot the bill for illegal immigrants’ health insurance. But right before the August recess, they succeeded in thwarting efforts to fight illegal immigration in a way that I never imagined they could. They stole an illegal immigration vote. To refresh your memory, here’s how it happened:
On the night of August 2, the House was voting on a Republican motion to deny taxpayer benefits to illegal immigrants as part of an annual agricultural spending bill. When the chair gaveled the vote, we clearly prevailed 215-213. This was clear on the electronic tally board inside the chamber, and this was clear to those watching on C-SPAN. However, in what I described to my colleagues as “the legislative equivalent of the ‘shot heard ’round the world,’” Democrats strong-armed the House parliamentarians to back down from the initial vote tally and forced several of its own Members to change their votes.
In spite of the fact that the vote clearly showed we won 215-213 as time expired on the vote -- and after the gavel plainly indicated the vote was closed -- the result changed, and our motion to stop the Democratic majority from giving taxpayer dollars to individuals who violate the laws of our country was “defeated.” As if this wasn’t bad enough, all electronic records of the vote have since disappeared. So too did a written account in the Congressional Record of a debate I had with Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) on the House floor the following evening, in which the Democrats blatantly cut off debate -- a willful disregard for the rules of the House. And mysteriously enough, the day after the stolen vote, the House electronic voting system failed altogether for several hours.
When the eyes of the nation turned to the stolen vote and its fallout, House Democrats began to feel the heat, and eventually, after hours of behind-the-scenes wrangling, they gave in to Republican demands for an evenly-divided, Watergate-style special committee to investigate the entire matter. The reason I felt so strongly about demanding this investigative panel instead of simply making noise about the stolen vote is because I believe if the integrity and accountability of a vote cannot be guaranteed in the House of Representatives, then it simply cannot be guaranteed anywhere. And clearly, under this Democratic majority, it cannot be guaranteed in the House -- so we have no choice but to act. You see, this vote was not just stolen from us, as House Republicans; it was stolen from the American people, who pay billions in taxes each year -- much of which ends up in the hands of illegal immigrants. That is what we were trying to stop, and that is what the Democrats had to steal a vote to keep from happening.
Today, we named our three Republican Members of this six-Member panel: Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN.), who will serve as the Ranking Republican Member of the committee, Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH), and Rep. Kenny Hulshof (R-MO). Mike, Steve, and Kenny are ideal choices for this panel. They are fair-minded, they are dedicated to doing their jobs with integrity, and most importantly, they will not back down should their Democratic counterparts attempt to slow or obfuscate the work of the committee.
The investigators are tasked with three main duties: (1) to get to the bottom of the fraud we encountered in the well of the House of Representatives; (2) to answer the questions that need to be answered to preserve the integrity of the institution of the House; and (3) to recommend any changes that may be necessary to ensure this never happens again. The committee will make public its preliminary findings by September 30 of this year, so the six Members on the panel will need to get to work very quickly -- and for good reason. We have the obligation to ensure that no such injustice takes place in the House again, and the American people are watching.
House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) has introduced a resolution to restore our victory on the agricultural spending bill -- complete with language that would bar taxpayer dollars going to illegal immigrants. He has my complete support. And so too does the select committee’s critical work. Try as they might to sweep this under the rug, House Democrats will not be able to escape the events of August 2. This stolen vote was an assault never before seen in congressional history, and to restore some semblance of trust to our institution, Republicans will hold them responsible for stealing this vote from the American people so it never, ever is allowed to occur again.
People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Perhaps Hillary or Howie The Duck know were my Hue is. Most likley in some DemoRat half way house.
"Mr. Hsu is not here and we do not know where Mr. Hsu is," Brosnahan said outside court. Brosnahan said that "there was some contact" with Hsu a few hours before the scheduled 9 a.m. court appearance, but he declined to say how and who talked to Hsu.
Hsu pleaded no contest in 1991 to a felony count of grand theft, admitting he'd defrauded investors of $1 million after falsely claiming to have contracts to purchase and sell Latex gloves. He was facing up to three years in prison when he skipped town before his 1992 sentencing date.
Prosecutors said they suspected Hsu fled the country then. But a few years ago, Hsu re-emerged in New York as an apparel executive and a wealthy benefactor of Democratic causes and candidates. Among them was Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose presidential campaign designated Hsu a "HillRaiser" - a title given to top donors. Presidential contender Barack Obama also received contributions from Hsu for his 2004 Senate campaign and his political action committee, Hopefund.
Republicans Will Hold Democrats Accountable for Stolen Illegal Immigration Vote
by Rep. John Boehner (more by this author)
Posted 09/05/2007 ET
As Congress returns this week, Republicans are ready to pick up where we left off when August recess began last month. From fighting for lower taxes to insisting on more restrained federal spending to giving our troops the support they need to wage and win the War on Terrorism, we’re ready to continue working on the most important priorities facing the American people. At the same time, we also return to Washington with some unfinished business leftover from before the August recess: continuing to hold congressional Democrats accountable for the most egregious action of their short-lived majority -- or any House majority for that matter…a stolen vote on the floor of the House of Representatives.
For years, congressional Democrats have thrown up obstacle after obstacle to combating illegal immigration. This year alone, they’ve cut funding for the border fence we approved in the last Congress and slowed its construction dramatically. And they’ve passed a costly bill that would force American taxpayers to foot the bill for illegal immigrants’ health insurance. But right before the August recess, they succeeded in thwarting efforts to fight illegal immigration in a way that I never imagined they could. They stole an illegal immigration vote. To refresh your memory, here’s how it happened:
On the night of August 2, the House was voting on a Republican motion to deny taxpayer benefits to illegal immigrants as part of an annual agricultural spending bill. When the chair gaveled the vote, we clearly prevailed 215-213. This was clear on the electronic tally board inside the chamber, and this was clear to those watching on C-SPAN. However, in what I described to my colleagues as “the legislative equivalent of the ‘shot heard ’round the world,’” Democrats strong-armed the House parliamentarians to back down from the initial vote tally and forced several of its own Members to change their votes.
In spite of the fact that the vote clearly showed we won 215-213 as time expired on the vote -- and after the gavel plainly indicated the vote was closed -- the result changed, and our motion to stop the Democratic majority from giving taxpayer dollars to individuals who violate the laws of our country was “defeated.” As if this wasn’t bad enough, all electronic records of the vote have since disappeared. So too did a written account in the Congressional Record of a debate I had with Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) on the House floor the following evening, in which the Democrats blatantly cut off debate -- a willful disregard for the rules of the House. And mysteriously enough, the day after the stolen vote, the House electronic voting system failed altogether for several hours.
When the eyes of the nation turned to the stolen vote and its fallout, House Democrats began to feel the heat, and eventually, after hours of behind-the-scenes wrangling, they gave in to Republican demands for an evenly-divided, Watergate-style special committee to investigate the entire matter. The reason I felt so strongly about demanding this investigative panel instead of simply making noise about the stolen vote is because I believe if the integrity and accountability of a vote cannot be guaranteed in the House of Representatives, then it simply cannot be guaranteed anywhere. And clearly, under this Democratic majority, it cannot be guaranteed in the House -- so we have no choice but to act. You see, this vote was not just stolen from us, as House Republicans; it was stolen from the American people, who pay billions in taxes each year -- much of which ends up in the hands of illegal immigrants. That is what we were trying to stop, and that is what the Democrats had to steal a vote to keep from happening.
Today, we named our three Republican Members of this six-Member panel: Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN.), who will serve as the Ranking Republican Member of the committee, Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH), and Rep. Kenny Hulshof (R-MO). Mike, Steve, and Kenny are ideal choices for this panel. They are fair-minded, they are dedicated to doing their jobs with integrity, and most importantly, they will not back down should their Democratic counterparts attempt to slow or obfuscate the work of the committee.
The investigators are tasked with three main duties: (1) to get to the bottom of the fraud we encountered in the well of the House of Representatives; (2) to answer the questions that need to be answered to preserve the integrity of the institution of the House; and (3) to recommend any changes that may be necessary to ensure this never happens again. The committee will make public its preliminary findings by September 30 of this year, so the six Members on the panel will need to get to work very quickly -- and for good reason. We have the obligation to ensure that no such injustice takes place in the House again, and the American people are watching.
House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) has introduced a resolution to restore our victory on the agricultural spending bill -- complete with language that would bar taxpayer dollars going to illegal immigrants. He has my complete support. And so too does the select committee’s critical work. Try as they might to sweep this under the rug, House Democrats will not be able to escape the events of August 2. This stolen vote was an assault never before seen in congressional history, and to restore some semblance of trust to our institution, Republicans will hold them responsible for stealing this vote from the American people so it never, ever is allowed to occur again.
I don’t live in a glass house, hate the USA.
Like I said in the last paragraph, “this is not to say Democrats have not had a few scandals of their own in 2007, and one is too many. However, Democrats do not hold a candle to the Republican culture of corruption.”
So you got one. Wow. That sire is a lot. I certainly did not include the rant by the Boner. Democrats have a long way to go before they will ever equal the Republican culture of corruption.
Energy Billing Fraud Charges vs Multiut owned by Nachshon Draiman!
Admitted to holding money belonging to customers
In a Class Action proceeding initiated in November 2001 - The case after numerous delays by Multiut, is now proceeding.
Posted on August 29th, 2007:
JACK GORE on behalf of himself and all ) NOV 28, 2002
other persons or entitles similarly situated, |
vs. No. 01 CH 19688
MULTIUT CORP, an Illinois corporation, } Judge Stephen A, Schiller
Defendant ) Courtroom 2402
Plaintiff JACK GORE (“Gore”). by his attorneys LARRY D DRURY LTD., hereby responds to the Motion to Dismiss 2nd Amended Complaint, pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-615 and 619, brought as a combined 2-619.1 motion by defendant MULTIUT CORP. (“Multiut”).
Multiut is trying to time-bar this case by transforming express a written agency-service contract drafted by Multiut into a contract for sale of goods, and by disputing Gore's allegations as to concealment and discovery of the wrong – but without submitting any Rule 191 affidavit or documentation. This is a class action arising out
of a written contract drafted by Multiut, attached here and to the 2nd Amended Complaint as Exhibit A and B collectively referred to herein as the "contract" or "agreement “ unless otherwise indicated by context): (1)
(A) A service contract to act as Gore's "purchasing representatives" in obtaining natural gas from “off system" suppliers. This contract, entered into on or about December 1990, was titled “Agreement," Exh. A 1, 3-6, 10. And,
{B} A series of supplemental agency contracts to act as Gore’s agent, in so doing with respect to various Properties. These were entered into contemporaneously with the service contract and thereafter, and titled "Natural Gas Purchasing and Agency Agreement.” Exh.-B. (2)
(1) Similarly Multiut refers to them collectively as “the agreement” in its brief (Mem. p. 2, fn. 1). Although the documents are on separately filed pages, they are mutually inclusive and one could not be entered into without the other; e.g. the service contract refers to and incorporates the agency contracts, wherein Multiut refers to itself as Gore's 'exclusive natural gas purchasing agent'. See Exh. A, third introductory paragraph and 16-17; Exh. B 1,
(2) Exh. 8 one of the series, is dated 1998, Exh. C is Gore’s §2-806 affidavit as to the others. Gore has stated he does not have a copy of each, they are inaccessible to him i.e. no longer in his possession, whether missplaced or otherwise, and cannot be located or returned. 2nd Amd.. Compl. {4; Exh, C, in the 1st Amd. Complaint, Count 4 for breach of oral contract was voluntarily dismissed without prejudice after Gore's deposition of May 8,- 2002, when the service contract and the 1998 agency contract were produced by Multiut and adequately established, Exhs, A-B are the same Exhs. 1-2 attached to the Gore transcript, excerpts of which are attached herein as Exh. D, Similarly the missing agency agreements are likely in Multiut’s possession and will be produced in discovery.
The contract was drafted by Multiut, it unequivocally defines Multiut's role in the transactions, and shows that this case is not governed by the UCC. What is at issue here is not the "good" that Multiut obtained for Gore, but the service Multiut provided as his purchasing agent. Gore is suing upon the service and agency contract – not the natural gas - and has alleged that Multiut breached its duties in two respects;
{1} By falsely and intentionally charging and retaining for its own use funds that were to be applied to a City of Chicago 8% gross receipts tax (“Tax”), which it had promised would be placed in escrow and forwarded to the City. Between December 1990 and January 1995 (after the City of Chicago changed the Tax), Multiut collected approximately $14,000 from Gore and at least $1 million to $1.5 million from the Class, for this Tax that was not actually imposed upon Multiut. 2nd Amd. Compl. 7-9, '3! Multiut not only failed to inform Plaintiff and
the Class that the money collected was not so applied or escrowed, but also failed to escrow, account for, and refund the funds with interest.
(2) By overcharging for the service of providing natural gas. Multiut was to charge for natural gas actually supplied to Gore and the Class on a set per therm cost basis, plus an amount equal to 1/2 of their respective per therm cost savings per month, instead, Multiut overcharged and billed Gore at least $100.000 and the class millions of dollars and refuses to provide an accounting and refund with interest. Id. 10-11.
Gore has further alleged that Multiut prevented him from discovering the wrongs by intentionally concealing them until at least December 2000, when he discovered the truth and could not reasonably have done so earlier. (Gore testified at his deposition on May 8, 2002 that he first discovered the discrepancies in his bills, the overcharges, the taxes, and failure to escrow the taxes, in December 2000. See Exh, D, pp. 25-28,) Thereafter he was unable to obtain any refund and based thereon, terminated Multiut’s services on or about June 2001, However, the wrongful acts are continuing to date, in that Multiut continues to 'refuse to provide an accounting and refund with interest to Gore and the Class, all to their detriment and damage. They seek imposition of constructive trust (id. 22), an accounting and damages in not less than the foregoing amounts plus interest (id, 9-13, 23).
Gore filed the original Class Action Complaint on Nov. 20, 2001, and in lieu of responding to a motion to dismiss, filed the 1st Amended Class Action Complaint Feb. 14, 2002, setting forth 4 counts for (1) breach of
3-: The City did not and will not collect the 8% Tax, presumably because of U.S. constitutional restrictions as to the interstate commerce clause and exceptions for interstate pipelines and out-of-state suppliers. As a result in 1994 the City changed the tax from an 8% gross receipts tax to a flat rate tax of 1.4 to 1.5 cents per therm. 2nd Amd. Comp. P 8. in Multiut’s response to First Request to Admit {attached hereto as Exh. F), it has admitted the following statements about this Tax; (8) that Multiut collected approximately $14,000 in Tax from Gore between 1991-1994; and (9) that Multiut spent its customers Tax payments on business expenses.. Yehuda Draiman testified to the same effect in his deposition 1-10-02 See transcript excerpts attached hereto as Exh. E, at pp, 36-37,40, 68, and Exh, 6 thereto.
Activity Date: 8/15/2007 Participant: GORE JACK
Court Date: 8/29/2007
Court Time: 0930
Court Room: 2402
August 30th, 2007 at 2:25 pm
Multiut owner is Nachshon Draiman of Cook County, Illinois
Multiut has admitted in Court that they are holding the money.
Gore vs Multiut 01 CH 19688 Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois
A concerned citizen
For honesty in billing
Dynegy Mkg & Trade v. Multiut Corp, Nachshon Draiman et al
On August 16th, 2007:
Dynegy Mkg & Trade v. Multiut Corp, Nachshon Draiman et al 1:02-cv-07446.
Multiut Corp and Nachshon Draiman dba Future Associate of Skokie, IL. are withholding evidence of fraudulent activities in the Energy industry and inflated Medicaid billing to the government for Nursing Home patients. Also Bank fraud against their bank by presenting fraudulent and inflated receivable reports in order to get and keep a credit line, Nachshon Draiman was a large stock holder of the bank. Draiman Nachshon • SC 13G • Success Bancshares Inc • On 2/17/98
Filed On 2/17/98 • SEC File 5-53545 • Accession Number 950137-98-586
Court: United States District Court Northern District of Illinois -
Case Title: Dynegy Mkg & Trade v. Multiut Corp, Nachshon Draiman Future Associates et al
Case Number: 1:02-cv-07446
Judge: Hon. John A. Nordberg
Filed On: 10/16/2002
Case Number: 1:02-cv-07446
Referred To: Honorable Michael T. Mason
Jury Demand: Defendant
Demand: $9999000
Nature of Suit: Contract: Other (190)
Jurisdiction: Diversity
Cause: 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract
Case Updated: 01/20/2005
Party Name: Multiut Corporation an Illinois Corporation,
Party Type: Defendant
Attorney(s): Paul Thaddeus Fox
(312) 456-8400
Firm Name: Greenberg Traurig, LLP.
Firm Address: 77 West Wacker Drive
Suite 2500
Chicago, IL 60601
Alan Jay Mandel
Firm Name: Alan J Mandel Ltd
Firm Address: 7520 North Skokie Blvd
Skokie, IL 60077
03/30/2007 225
NOTICE of Motion by Ira P. Gould for presentment of motion to withdraw as attorney224 before Honorable John A. Nordberg on 4/19/2007 at 02:30 PM. (Gould, Ira) (Entered: 03/30/2007)
04/18/2007 226
MINUTE entry before Judge John A. Nordberg: Motion of Ira Gould to withdraw his appearance on behalf of Multiut Corporation 224 is granted. The motion will not be heard on 4/19/07 as noticed. Mailed (vmj, ) (Entered: 04/19/2007)
See: www.antidefamationusa.com
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